Monday 8 March 2010

Spring day in Regent's park

Who says London is all grey buildings and dirty streets? I have been fortunate enough to see some of the finest green spaces in the capital that one can find anywhere. Regent's park has been one of my favourite green city spots since I spent my birthday there last June. At that time the park was really magical, all the wildfowl had ducklings, cygnets or chicks in tow, and the vast collection of roses in Queen Mary's garden were in full bloom. At this time of the year the rose plants are just bare stubs, but there was still much spring promise in the air. The sun was warm enough to venture out sans-coat, and consequently the joggers were also out in full force. All in all, a fine day to find a cafe and sit at a lakeside pier. And as an added plus, the park has one of the largest heronries of any city in Europe, and you can tell the birds are used to people since they are quite happy to stand right next to the path. A great treat if, like me, you are used to being only able to admire these shy birds from afar.

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